Comunidades Nativas



Los Shipibo-Konibo, embelleciendo el mundo con el arte 

La excursión a las comunidades nativas Shipibo-Konibo  Nueva Alianza y Dos Unidos muestra cómo las comunidades del pueblo originario viven en la naturaleza, con su cultura ancestral y originaria de  la Amazonía, que hasta la fecha se han mantenido en el tiempo.

Mientras se visitan las comunidades se  observan los objetos artísticos elaborados con gran maestría por las mujeres shipibo-konibo que plasman el kené utilizando distintas técnicas y materiales.

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La excursión por el bosque presenta la cosmovisión Ashaninka en su relación con la naturaleza y sus espíritus maestros. El recorrido ofrece el acercamiento a la cultura local a través del descubrimiento de los elementos que conforman parte del entorno social, natural y cultural de la población originaria Ashaninka.

Mayantuyacu nos cuenta el legado Ashaninka familiar, las tradiciones de  vida  en el bosque, los hechos históricos relevantes y las actividades cotidianas en distintas estaciones interpretativas.

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Mayantuyacu became a place very near and dear to my heart in a very short period of time. If you are looking to make positive and long lasting changes in your life it is a beautiful place to start. Juan is a man who possesses an incredible amount of knowledge, understanding, and compassion. What is equally incredible is where this knowledge comes from. If you find yourself here, pay attention. And have patience. The lessons you take home with you will be both profound and infinite, and often in the most subtle of ways.

Rachel Neumeier

Mayantuyacu is an earth bound paradise that reflects the heaven that rests within each of us. It is a place to heal and connect with the self as a divine being. This sacred union is the most precious gift one can give themselves.

Niki Troski

I first went to Mayantuyacu in 2006. Being in Mayantuyacu allowed me to connect with the plants in such a unique way. I felt such support from all living beings during my journey there. Sandra, Maestro and their super team were most welcoming and they put so much care into all they do for us. I feel truly blessed to know them and to have shared this time together. beaucoup d'amour.


I first went to Mayantuyacu in the Spring of 2005 and I've returned a total of 5 times. In the process, my body has become stronger yet more flexible, my mind has grown calmer and is thus more focused. Overall, this has contributed to an increased sense of spiritual peace. Thank you Maestro and Sandra!

Andre Clement

I have visited Mayantuyacu 3 times since 2010 and each time I connect more with my heart and myself, and resultingly more with others in my life. The land, plants, and boiling river are so beautiful, peaceful, and healing. I am so truly grateful for Maestro, Sandra, Brunswik, and Henarte for the work they do for everyone. Mayantuyacu is a blessing and gift to this planet and beyond.
